Optimizing Electricity Costs
Albian Sands operates the Muskeg River Mine (MRM) and the Jackpine Mine Expansion (JPM), located 75 kilometers north of Fort McMurray, Alberta and in conjunction with the Scotford Upgrader, located outside of Edmonton, Alberta, these facilities comprise the Athabasca Oil Sands Project - a joint venture among Shell Canada (60%), Chevron Canada (a wholly owned subsidiray of Chevron Corporation) (20%) and Marathon Oil Canada Corporation (20%).
The MRM site has a daily production rate of 155,000 barrels per day of bitumen and includes the mine operations, bitumen processing, a cogeneration plant that produces steam and 170 MW of electric energy and a 260 kV grid connection. The Jackpine Mine, presently under construction, will include similar facilities as MRM and have a daily production rate of 100,000 barrels per day of bitumen.
We assisted Shell Canada with the development of a long term electric supply strategy that included the development of a double circuit 260 kV line from the Muskeg River mine to the Jackpine mine. Desiderata assisted also coordinated the development of regulatory applications, including approval for an Industrial System Designation and transmission lines and substations.